गुरुवार, 5 दिसंबर 2013

A Tribute to Dr. B.R.Ambedkar on His Death Anniversary on 6th December, 2013

Dear Friends, 

 The Milestone Education Society (Regd.) Pehowa (Kurukshetra) working since 2005 in the field of  school education, social work and higher education through its research initiatives. It started Center for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS) in 2010 and contributing continuously in the field of higher education through research journals, various programmes, and published books.

The present initiative Centre for Studies in Educational, Social and Cultural Development (CSESCD) will work on the issues related to downtrodden people though its various activity like discussions, programmes and publications etc. It also promotes the ideology of the educational thinkers who positively contributed in the society.

The present book, “Ideological Crisis in Indian Society “is the first initiative of the Centre. It includes six essays of the students who participated in the essay competition organized by the Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS) and the Department of Philosophy, P.G.Govt College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh to celebrate World Philosophy Day  with the theme “Indian Society and Ideological Crisis”  on 21st November, 2013. These essays highlight writers’ thinking and need further improvement on the basis of ideas.

On the occasion of Death Anniversary of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, we dedicated this volume to this great personality who is the real motivation for us. His vision of social democracy and equality was closely related to good society, rationality and the scientific outlook.  

I must congratulate all the members of Milestone Education Society (Regd.) Pehowa (Kurukshetra) for this new initiatives and submit my humble gratitude towards their positive efforts and kind-cooperation.

  Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal

December 06,2013

मंगलवार, 1 अक्टूबर 2013


Department of Philosophy,
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

(w.e.f. 2014-2015)



Time: 3 Hours

Theory Examination Marks: 80

Internal Assessment Marks: 20

         Total Marks: 100

Note: Out of Four Units, Eight Questions will be set. From each unit two alternative questions, equitably distributed over the unit, will be set. The examinees will have to attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. All the questions will be of equal marks.


Unit –I: Introduction to Research Methodology.

1. Meaning, Definition and Importance of Research in Philosophy.

2. Preparation of a Seminar Paper& Research Proposal/Synopsis

3. Selection of Topic and Writing of a Dissertation/Thesis

4. Methods of references and Preparation of Bibliography.


Unit –II: Methods for doing Philosophy:

1. Nyaya –Sutra Method

2. The Socratic Method

3. Dialectical Method.

4. Rational Dialogue Method

5. Critical Method& Analytical Method.


Unit-III: Things Philosophers do:

1. Exposit, Speculate, Prescribe, Describe, Criticise and Synthesis.

2. Reasoning: Inductive and Deductive

3. Objectives of Philosophy and importance of Philosophy in Recent Times

4. Philosophy and its Fundamental Basic Problems.


.Unit –IV:  Nature of Philosopical Inquiry:

1. How Philosophical Inquiry is different from other disciplines.

2. Synopsis as peculiar characteristic of Philosophy.

3. Some Methods of Speculative Philosophy.

4. Critical appraisal of presuppositions




1. Nyayasutra-Gautama

2. Broad, C.D., “Two Lectures on the Nature of Philosophy” in “Clarity is not

    Enough”(ed) by.H.D.Lewis, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1963(See First Lecture for  

    topic no.2 of Unit-IV.and see II lecture for topic no.III of Unit-IV)

3. Richard E. Creel, Thinking Philosophically, Blackwell Publishers: USA, 2001.

4. J.N.Sinha:Introduction to Philosophy, New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata 

5. Patric, G.T.W., Introduction to Philosophy, Surjeet Publicatio, Delhi.


Department of Philosophy,
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

(w.e.f. 2014-2015)




Time: 3 Hours

Theory Examination Marks: 80

Internal Assessment Marks: 20

Total Marks: 100


Note: Out of Four Units, Eight Questions will be set. From each unit two alternative questions, equitably distributed over the unit, will be set. The examinees will have to attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. All the questions will be of equal marks.


Unit-I: Metaphysics;

1. Logical Realism : Nyaya                                  

2. Momentariness: Buddhism

3. Pluralistic Realism : Jainism

4. Absolutism :Sankara

5. Pragmatism: William James

6. Realism: G.E. Moore

7. Feminism: (The Concept of the Other and Marginalization of Women.): Simone     de Beavoir

8. Existentialism: Martin Buber


Unit-II: Epistemology;

1. Nature & Definition of Prama and Aprama: Nyaya

2. Theory of Validity: (a). Svatahpramanyavada (Samkhya )

                                    (b). Paratahpramanyavada (Nyaya )

3. Theories of Error (Khyativada): Sankhya and Advaita Vedanta.

4. Causation: Sańkhya & Nyaya

5. Nature and Definition of Knowledge

6. Knowledge and Belief

7. Theories of Truth

8. Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida (Difference, Supplement).


Unit-III: Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics:

1. Role of Nişkňma Karma in Management

2. Secularism :Vivekananda

3. Humanism : Tagore

4. Ahimsa : Gandhi & J.Krishnamurti

5. Environmental Ethics:Deep Ecology

6. Bio-Medical Ethics: Status of Foetus.

7. Medical Ethics:Suicide and Euthanasia

8. Business Ethics: Ethical Concerns




Unit-IV: Social and Political Philosophy:

1. Social Welfare: Bhagvadgitâ

2. Varna System: Swami Dayanand and Radhakrishanan

3. Equality & Social Justice: Dr. B.R.Ambedkar

4. Panchayati Raj: Gandhi, M.K.

5. Theory of State: Plato

6. Theory of Justice: John Rawls

7. Will to Power: Nietzsche

8. Humanism: Sartre




1.      Datta & Chatterjee            : An Introduction to Indian Philosophy.

2.      Harendra Prasad Sinha     : Bhartiya Darshan ki Ruprekha.

3.      S. Radhakrishanan                        : Indian Philosophy, Vol. I & II.

4.      V.P. Verma                       : Nitisastra ki Ruprekha.

5.      Lal B.K.                            : Contemporary Indian Philosophy.

6.      D.C. Ahir (Ed.)                 : The Legency of Dr. Ambedkar.

7.      B.N. Singh                        : Indian Logic

8.      P.Shah Singh                     : Anumana Parmana

9.      Masiha Yacub                   :  A Critical History of Western Philosophy.

10.  D.R. Jatav                         : Pashchatya Darshan.

11.  B.Russell                           : History of Western Philosophy.

12.  B.K. Lal.                           : Samkalin Pashchatya Darshan.

13.  V.P. Verma                       : Adhinitisastra ke Mool Siddanta.

14.  C.Chakraborty                  : Logic: Informal, Symbolic and Inductive.

15.  Swami Dayanand              : Updesh Manjri

16.  Ramnath Sharma               : Samkalin Bhartiya Darshan

17.  Baidyanath Shastri            : Darshan Tattva Vivek






सोमवार, 5 अगस्त 2013

Research Project on, “A Study on Research Methodology in Philosophy”, sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi


Research Project on, “A Study on Research Methodology in Philosophy”, sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi


Dear Fellow-Philosopher,

I am happy to inform you that under the sponsorship of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi, I have an on-going Research Project entitled, A Study on Research Methodology in Philosophy. The proposed project is an attempt to study the theory and practice of the research methodology in philosophy to understand the meta-philosophical issues in philosophical research method and to develop a uniform and standard manual for students pursuing research in philosophy for higher degree such as M. Phil. and Ph.D. in particular and philosophy researchers in general.

Though, this is not an empirical study on methodology in philosophy, I need certain empirical data related to perceptions of the researchers towards methodological issues and its incorporation by philosophers in Ph.D. thesis. I would like to collect the data/information required for the study, through administering the questionnaire, attached herewith. The questionnaire is an MSWord file. Please download the questionnaire, fill-in and send me back as e-mail attachment at: drgopalsahu@gmail.com or drgopalsahu@yahoo.com. Please do not change the order, wording and format of the questionnaire.

I assure you that the data/information so collected will be used for the research purpose only and their confidentiality will be strictly maintained.

Thanking you for going through the letter and in anticipation of your cooperation.


Allahabad                                                                                                       Dr. Gopal Sahu

July, 2013                                                                                                          Investigator



Research Project on, “A Study on Research Methodology in Philosophy”, sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi


Questionnaire (Please try to answer in ‘yes’ or ‘no’, whenever applicable)

1.            Name:

2.            Ph.D./M. Phil./both (year of award/under-going):

3.            Title of the thesis:

4.            Awarding institute/university: 

5.            Does your thesis explicitly adopt a method/s and discuss methodological issues?

6.            If yes, name the method/s:

7.            Do you think every thesis in philosophy should mention and discuss the method/s it follows?

8.            Have you read any books/articles on philosophical method (if yes, name one)?

9.            Have you done course/training on research methodology?

10.       If yes, has it benefited in improving your thesis/research?

11.       Do you think research methodology course should be made compulsory for all philosophy researchers?

12.       Does the awarding institute have a written syllabus of research methodology in philosophy? If yes, is it satisfactory?

13.       Does your supervisor have sound knowledge of research methodology in philosophy?

14.       Does your institute follow uniform layout and format for thesis?

15.       Do you think the UGC, New Delhi/ICPR, New Delhi should design a model syllabus and develop material for the research methodology in philosophy?

16.       Do you think computer knowledge is an essential unit of research methodology in philosophy?

17.       Do you think exposure to quantitative and empirical research method help philosophy research?



Institutional Address:                                                                              




Note: This Questionnaire is updated here for the research purpose and with the consent of the investigator.

शनिवार, 1 जून 2013

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias of Philosophy

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias of Philosophy

·         Bharathi, K.S. (Ed.) (1998) Encyclopedia of Eminent Thinkers (10 Vols.),Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

·         Pasricha, Ashu (Ed.) (2008) Encyclopedia of Eminent Thinkers (10 Vols.),Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

·         Chopra, Ramesh (Ed.) (2005) Dictionary of Philosophy, Isha Books, Delhi.

·         Normandy,J. (Ed.) (2007) A Comprehensive Dictionary of Philosophy, Abhishek Publications, Chandigarh.

·         Narvane, V.S. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Humanities (Philosophy), Rajkamal Prakashanm New Delhi, 1998.

·         Pandey, B.K. (2008) Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy (10 Vols.), Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

·         Qureshi,M.U. (2006) Encyclopedia of Social Problems and Social Change (10 Vols.), Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

·         Guha, Debashis (2007) Practical and Professional Ethics (6 Vols.), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

·         Rodrigues, C.L. & Cleary, Bhandari  (2002) The Encyclopedia of Collected Philosophical Thoughts and Biographies (4 Vol.), Dominant Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

·         Ree, Jonathan & Urmson (Eds.)(2005) The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy, Routledge.

·         Singh, N.K. & Mishra, A.P. (Eds.) (2010) Global Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy (3 Vols.), Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi.

·         Singh, N.K. (2002) Encyclopedia of World Philosophers, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

·         Srinivas,K. & Kutumba Sastry,V.(2007) A Concise Dictionary of Philosophy, D.K. Printworld Publications, New Delhi.

·         Verma, Nirmal Kumar (2006) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Philosophy (3 Vols.) Crescent Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

Note: I visited Kurukshetra University Library, there I found these dictionaries and encyclopedias for use of students of philosophy.



मंगलवार, 30 अप्रैल 2013



The teacher and student relationship is the very important  for student  and teacher  also. Both spend 5 to 7 hours with each other in a day. Both are incomplete without  each other. The relationship of teacher and  student should  be very  positive and  balance  and  limited. Because a positive and limited  relationship between  both, help to a student  to share  his/her problem. The  teacher  in the  classroom  should  be polite, active  and  the understanding  level  of  the teacher  should  be  good, because  in a classroom there  are different-different  students  and they  all  have  different attitudes  and  levels. A teacher can encourage his/her  student. He/she can make  his/her  student optimistic, confident, and  even successful  also.

Both  have  to understand that  a  teacher   is  not  a way  to get  success  and  a student  is not a way  to earn  money  by  learning and  learning. In the case of teacher  and  student , interaction  is  most important  for a successful and  positive  relationship. A close  but  limited relationship  between  a teacher  and student  can helpful  for  those  students who  are  shy  and  find difficulty  to  speak  in  front of  the  other  students. It can  be helpful  for those students  also  who  have low  self-esteem  and  not confident  about  their  own selves.

Of course  a  teacher  can’t understand  every  problem of  the  student, but  he/she  can  give  acquire  enough information  for those students  who  are  suffering  or struggling  with specific  tasks. If a teacher can do efforts for his/her student then the student also  has to give respect  to his/her  teacher, the student  has  to be cooperative. So, afterall making  a good  relationship they  both  have  to  be (honest  with  each other. It is  the duty of  the  teacher to give  his/her  student good  education  and  to aware  them  about  good and  bad.

So, if  you are  teacher  then feel  proud  because  you can make  someone successful  and  if  you  are a student  then be very happy  and  also  feel  proud  because  you  gain knowledge  from  those teachers  who  always  try to make  your  future bright. JJJ

Rajni Bala
B.A.IInd Year (6443)

This essay published in this issue:


बुधवार, 3 अप्रैल 2013

YOGA PADMA BHUSHAN AWARD to Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater (Former Vice Chancellor, Singhania University , Rajasthan)

Dear Friends, 
Greetings from SPPIS, Haryana
It is a matter of pleasure to share that Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater
Former Vice Chancellor, Singhania University , Rajasthan
 have been awarded “ YOGA PADMA BHUSHAN AWARD” on 20 March 2013. We extends our hearty best wishes to Prof. Sohan Raj Tater. 

शुक्रवार, 15 फ़रवरी 2013



Dear Friends,

Greetings of Peace and Happiness from SPPIS, Haryana

In a smooth academic environment the most important thing is teacher-taught relationship. But sometime students need to go enlarge this circle and sometime try to find new scholars and teachers who can guide and motivate them to do best and understand more. This also happen to philosophy too. The scholars of India by following their so called GREATEST Ancient Culture where knowledge was distributed to the limited persons, in the present time also, scholars are limited with their self and students only. There are many students/scholars who are willing to interact with scholars/experts of their subject and want to enhance their knowledge, but due to lack of proper information or contact they are getting disappointment. We request you all to be online and available for such students and motivate them to do best in philosophy. We created a page INDEX OF PHILOSOPHERS AND SCHOLARS OF INDIA  (http://indexofphilosophersandscholarsofindia.blogspot.in/ ) for this purpose. Kindly send us following details, so that some bright students/research scholars can contact and motivated by your scholarship and expertise:



Institute Affiliation:……………………..



Contact details:……………………………

It is hereby also mentioned that we are not serious scholars, as some of the eminent philosophers and scholars of India who are contributing in knowledge creation. But our simple and creative attempts made a positive impression in the philosophy of India since 2008. We hope that our teachers/scholars/philosophers/thinkers understand this will and cooperate with us. Help us to provide a healthy and positive environment where the real thinkers can distribute their knowledge for the sake of scholarship and their profession.

Waiting for your inspiring  words and positive reply.

Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal

Society for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (SPPIS) Haryana

15th February, 2013